DVASBO offers a mentorship program to provide technical assistance and guidance to school business officials. This program can provide a personalized professional develop opportunity for:
Experienced business officials who are getting settled in a new position
Professionals from other careers making a transition into a position in school business
Individuals beginning their professional career in school business
Program Objectives
To provide a unique professional development opportunity for new and experienced school business officials.
To assist Southeastern Pennsylvania school entities with the successful transition of school business officials and thereby improve the delivery of services to the students, staff, and community.
To provide technical assistance and guidance to school business officials to promote the attainment of the highest standards of ethics and competence in all aspects of school business management.
To assist school business officials in understanding the need for and the development of an on-going personal professional development plan to enable them to attain the highest level of personal competence and to prepare them for positions of increased responsibilities.
Mentors and mentees earn six continuing education units (CEUs) toward the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) Professional Certification Program. Click here to learn more about PASBO.
If you would like to take advantage of the program and either become a mentor or be matched with a mentor, please contact Heather Hogan, Assistant Business Manager, Rose Tree Media School District, 610-627-6148 or [email protected].
Delaware Valley Association of School Business Officials 455 Boot Road, Downingtown, PA 19335 [email protected] | 484-237-5071